Ulfert Becker made films and staged plays as a schoolboy.
He studied directing with Prof. Götz Friedrich at the University of Music and Theater in Hamburg,  made his diploma “with distinction”.
After staging a few operas in Germany and Italy, from 1993 onwards he turned more and more to film and television.
His focus here: self-promotion for broadcasters. Over the next few years, he developed as one of the first in Germany the trailer culture for TV ch annels, conceived claims and campaigns for their programs and their related radio stations, shot numerous commercials and making-ofs.
Since 2008 his work has focused on (documentary) films.
In addition, Ulfert Becker produces theater recordings, advertising movies and short films with his company "ub-productions". 
Countless social media clips were created for websites of the ARD, the main broadcast in Germany - but also award-winning short cuts.
At the same time, however, he remains true to his old love and writes texts ("libretti") for music theater.
And some books on top of that ...


I was born on June 17th. Born in Hamburg-Bergedorf in 1966.
I emphasize “Bergedorf” because this is a district of Hamburg - but only since 1937.
In my youth it was actually still an independent, contemplative small town.
So I grew up more like a “small town boy”.
The metropolis, however, was close by ... lured ...
Yes, I can now see myself as a “Hamburg boy”!

I made films as a schoolboy. On Super8 - wonderful!
Among other things, a 45-minute James Bond parody, for whose SFX I almost torched my grandmother's laundry room.
At the same time, I also staged (music) plays - and became after a while somehow megalomaniac: "The Threepenny Opera" at the age of 16 and "Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny" for my Abitur ...
Oh yeah, I definitely must have been crazy!

Luckily, in community service, that went away a little. After that I got one of the coveted places in the musical theater directing course with Prof. Götz Friedrich at the University of Music and Theater in Hamburg.
Formative lecturers were - in addition to the director of studies - Prof. Helmut Franz (NDR choir), Prof. Dr. Heinz-Josef Herbort (DIE ZEIT) and the directors Egon Monk and Günter Krämer.
I got my diploma as a director "with distinction" on a work by the baroque composer Johann Adolph Hasse (also from Bergedorf) (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Adolph_Hasse)

Since I love film and opera in equal measure, I also took part in the “Audiovisual Media Compact Course” with Prof. Gyula Trebitsch (Studio Hamburg) and Prof. Dieter Stolte (ZDF Director). And did an internship at industrial film.

After staging a few operas in Germany and Italy, in 1993 I had the chance - rather by chance - to try my hand at television, at the NDR.
I came, made my first (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_PuyCEuD_E&t=50s) - and stayed.
At first I shooted "normal" magazine film, but soon I was appointed to a new department: self-promotion for the station!

With this lively “advertising round” (we meet still today) I developed for the NDR over the next few years the first TV-Trailers in Germany, conceptualized claims & campaigns for programs and the brand itself, shot a number of commercials, "we-about-us" films and making-ofs about the institutions' own film productions.

The small forms became larger over time.
Several documentaries have been made since then - some of them also produced by my own company ub-productions.
With this company, founded in 1994, I still produce advertising, event and theater films today.
From countless "small" posts for social media. (These - as well as trailers and magazine articles - are not mentioned on this website because they would go beyond the scope of their size.) - to ward-winning shortcuts.

In addition to all of this, there have been a few books and multimedia projects over the years - I've always loved writing.
So I have always remained true to my old love: By writing texts (“libretti”) for music theater.

And some other books, too...

Have fun browsing through my "catalog raisonné"!

Ulfert Becker

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